Port of Seattle General Public Records Requests
If you are requesting Port of Seattle Police records, go to the Port of Seattle Police portal.
Cyber Incident Information
The Port is providing all readily available public records and information related to the recent cyber incident and Port operations here (portseattle.org). The site includes media briefings, available services information, and public information about the incident and response. The site will be updated regularly as more information becomes available. Please refer to these resources as you may be able to locate the information you are seeking expediently. Note that all responses to public records requests are currently delayed.
You may find what you are looking for in the Documents Portal.
You must certify that if you request any lists of individuals it will not be used for commercial purposes.
If you have general questions or would like more information about the Port of Seattle that you can’t locate from our website, call (206) 787-3000 or (206) 787-5652.
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